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How To Repeat an xfinitywifi Wifi Signal As Your Own Home WiFi Using DD-WRT



Do you have a neighbor broadcasting an "xfinitywifi" signal, a friend or family member with xfinity internet, and some old wifi routers laying around the house? Well great news - you just got free internet.

Follow these instructions and you will soon have home wifi that you and your friends can connect to using the xfinitywifi AP as your internet backbone. You can rebroadcast this signal in your own home with your own AP name and wifi password - totally transparent to your guests.

What you need:

  • A router running ddwrt firmware.

  • Another router. Needs no special firmware.

  • A username and password that allows you to connect to xfinitywifi access point. Only use an account that you are allowed to use and don't abuse xfinity's wifi access point program.

  • Some patience.

Authenticate your router

You'll notice that when you connect your computer to xfinitywifi you will get a portal page asking you to log in with your xfinity credentials. This is great for authenticating your computer, but if we want to connect your ddwrt router as a client to xfinitywifi, you will need to authenticate it somehow as well.

Authentication is managed by mac address. When you log in with your computer, xfinitywifi stores and recognizes your mac address as authenticated and doesn't ask you to log in again. Therefore, step 1 is to log into xfinitywifi using your computer but using your router's mac address.

I am using OS X and followed this tutorial to change my computers wifi address to match the one for my router. Make this change when you are disconnected from xfinitywifi and make sure your router is off while you do this. Windows users, use google.

Once you have mimicked your router's wifi, log on and authenticate to xfinitywifi. Now when you connect your router, it will be recognized as a client.

Change your computer's mac address back to what it was. On my system, rebooting reset it automatically.

Configure DDWRT Router

Start with a fresh DDWRT install. If you've done previous configuration, do a factory reset.

  1. Under Wireless >> Basic Settings set the Wireless mode to Repeater. Set the Wireless Network name to "xfinitywifi". Set network configuration to Bridged and save.

  2. Under Secuity >> Firewall uncheck all boxes. You can leave SPI firewall enabled.

  3. Under Setup >> Basic Setup

  • Set local IP address to XXX.XXX.69.1 where XXX.XXX matches the IP address of the xfinitywifi router. In my case, it was 172.20.x.x. You can make the subnet whatever you want.

  • Set the gateway to the IP address of the xfinity wifi router.

  • Set static DNS 1 to the IP of the xfinitywifi router.

  1. Hit save and apply. The router will reboot. This should be number 4 but reddit formatting.

Configure AP

Configure your other router as normal. Use whatever network name and password you want. Connect a network cable between one of the client ports on your DDWRT router to the WAN port on the router you will be using as an access point. I configured mine as a "router" instead of an "AP." Your guests will see your wifi and have no idea that you are piggybacking on xfinitywifi. It's totally transparent.

That's pretty much it. I've done this a couple times and it has worked great. I'm writing up this tutorial mostly so I can refer to it in the future but figured you all might benefit as well. I just moved to a new place and have an xfinity account at my old address and am just using this method while I wait for a legit internet install. You can do this method using just one DDWRT router but it's a bit easier with two and I have a pile of routers anyway.

YMMV. Caveats apply. Proceed at your own risk. Using this method may result in injury or death or global economic meltdown.

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