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Pic2HTML 2.3.1







Pic2HTML by Erik Palsbo

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Create HTML pages from a directory og pictures

  • you decide the layout (Your own template with a few Pic2HTML-tags), even with frames

  • select all or some pictures from a folder

  • save individual setting for each folder

  • create thumb-nail picture for fast loading

  • add prefix and/or directory to thumb-nail picture

  • flexible choice of thumb-nail picture size

  • flexible choice of pictures per rows and per columes

  • create one or several HTML-pages dependent of number of pictures

This program was made, because I needed a quick way to create HTML-pages with digital pictures on. There are plenty of programs around doing the same thing, but they are either to advanced (or cost a lot of money!) and/or they cannot do what I want them to do.

This program does not limit you to a special design, but you create your own HTML page as you like them, and include a few special Pic2HTML-tags. Them you have a template, and Pic2HTML do the rest.

Setting up to for the first time

Assuming you have a folder with images you wish to display on the internet with 5 images in 3 rows on each page.

  1. Chose the 'Picture Selector' tab (The Program Tabs)
  2. Select the source folder where your pictures are located (Set a Source folder)
  3. Mark (check) all or some of the pictures in the source folder  (Selecting and de-selecting images).
  4. Chose the 'Set and Go!' tab (The Program Tabs)
  5. Select the ready-made template 'index.htm' from the Template folder (Select a template).
  6. Set the thumbnail prefix to tn/tn_ indicating, that all thumbnail images will be kept in a folder 'tn/' and that the prefix 'tn_' will be put in front of the image file name for the thumbnails(Set Thumbnail prefix).
  7. The first HTML-file generated will be 'index.htm' (and the following index0001.htm, index0002.htm ...) (Set HTML file name).
  8. The HTML-pages will be generated in the source folder (Destination folder is blank) (Set destination folder)
  9. Set the maximum size of the thumbnails (Set thumbnail size).
  10. Set Rows to 3 and Cols to 5 (Set number of images on each page).
  11. Set Previw to indicating that the generated HTML file will be the preview file (Set the preview file)
  12. Generate the HTML files

A litle more advanced

  1. You may change the sample template or create your own template. Se how to do that (Edit the Template)
  2. You may preview an other HTML file (could be a frame wiht the generated HTML file in) (Set the preview file)
  3. You may add a note to each or some of the images (Adding notes to images)
  4. Change the default setting by using the configuration Page

Pic2HTML tags

For a complete explanation of the Pic2HTML tags se here.


Download the latest version from here

You can test the program free for 20 days.

Register the program here, the cost is USD 22,-

Latest version: 2.2.1 uploaded 19-jul-2000

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