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Tracfone WiFi Calling - How it Works and More

 How WiFi Calling Works with Tracfone and How to Make Free Calls

free calling wifi tracfone
Tracfone WiFi Calling
Is WiFi Calling Free? How does it work? We are here to help answer questions about WiFi Calling, and share an option for free calling using WiFi. If you're not sure how WiFi Calling works, if you have it or if you want it, this is the article to read.
Information about WiFi Calling with Tracfone is not completely clear, but we've tried to collect and share the most accurate details below. If you have anything to add, or if we made a mistake, let us know in the comments.
If you're new to TracfoneReviewer, take a look around. We offer lots of Tracfone related tips, news, info and reviews. A great place to start is our Beginners Guide to Tracfone.
Now, let's take a look at WiFi Calling with Tracfone.
What is WiFi Calling?
WiFi Calling is a feature that allows you to send and receive both calls and texts over a WiFi network instead of the cell network. The main benefit is that you can stay connected with calls/texts when cell service is not available but WiFi is, such as in the basement of a large building, or in a rural area.
WiFi Calling doesn't give you the ability to make free calls and texts. (Read further along to learn how to do this with Google Voice.) You are still charged the normal rate for calls and texts by Tracfone.
WiFi Calling works on both Android and iOS devices, although not all phones support it, and not all cell phone service providers support it.
Tracfone does support WiFi Calling, but only on some smartphones, and certain BYOP devices. It appears to depend on the phone and your location, as not all the networks Tracfone users support WiFi Calling.
To see if your phone is capable, take a look at the requirements for WiFi Calling:
Basic Requirements for WiFi Calling
There are a few basic requirements for WiFi Calling
SIM Card/Network that Supports it
Cell Phone with WiFi Calling Capability
e911 Registration
The first two requirements can be a little tricky to figure out. The easiest way is to just try and enable WiFi Calling to see if it will work. Tracfone uses several other cell phone networks, and a variety of different smartphones, so not all are capable or compatible.
You can visit https://e911-reg.tracfone.com/wps/portal/home/ and enter your phone number and last four digits of your SIM card number (located on your SIM card for BYOP devices).
Testing with an unlocked Moto G4 Plus with GSM SIM was unsuccessful.
How to Setup WiFi Calling
If you're phone is eligible, then follow these steps for WiFi Calling:
Register an E911 address, which requires you to submit your home address, by visiting http://e911-reg.tracfone.com 
Enable WiFi Calling on your device (if it isn't already enabled) by going to Settings > More > WiFi Calling. Here is a Tracfone tutorial for enabling WiFi Calling.
If you run into problems, try double checking each step and if that doesn't work, contact Tracfone directly or leave a comment below.
If you're phone is capable of WiFi Calling, it should be a fairly quick and easy process to enable it.
But what if you can't enable WiFi Calling, or you want to make free calls using WiFi? Well we've got the answer!
How to Make Free Calls using WiFi
If you were expecting WiFi Calling to make it possible to make free calls and texts, you are probably disappointed. But don't worry, there are other options for free calling and texting, and we will share one of the more popular methods here.
Using Google Hangouts/Hangouts Dialer and a free phone number from Google Voice, you can make free calls from WiFi. Anyone you call will see your Google Voice number, not your Tracfone number, but you can port your Tracfone number to Google Voice if you prefer that.
Steps to Make Free Calls with Google Hangouts Dialer:
Visit Google Voice and sign up for a free phone number. You are able to choose a phone number from a large variety available from many different area codes.
Download Google Hangouts Dialer app on your smartphone
Connect your Account and Verify your Phone Number
Make a Test Call using the Google Hangouts Dialer app to check that everything is working.
Now you should be able to send and receive phone calls to your Tracfone smartphone using your Google Voice phone number and the Dialer app.
Here is a helpful YouTube video that also explains more about Google Hangouts Dialer and how it works.
If you are looking for free texting, there are a number of texting apps such as Whatsapp, Line App, and more, that allow free texting with anyone else who also has the app.
Using a Google Voice number and the Hangouts Dialer app is a great way for anyone to make calls using WiFi without using any Tracfone airtime.
We hope this information is helpful and leave a comment with any thoughts or questions.
Check out the latest Tracfone Deals, Discounts and Sales if you are shopping for a new phone, or just want to see what is available.
Also take a look at our List of the Best Apps for Android, which includes several free texting apps.
And learn which Tracfone Airtime Card is the Best Deal with our comparison guide.
Thanks for visiting!



Windows Thin PC正式版

Windows Thin PC是美国微软公司在2011年发布的一款新的计算机操作系统,主要面向虚拟桌面基础架构消费者,Windows Thin PC是Windows 7的轻量级版本,主要面向企业用户。
微 软表示,推出Windows Thin PC的目的是为了保护企业当前对硬件和软件的投资,使操作系统符合企业用户的环境。有报道称,MSDN和Technet的用户、微软合作伙伴网络项目的银 牌和金牌合作伙伴,以及Windows Intune或VDA用户也可以获得完整版的Windows Thin PC。
32位Windows Thin PC系统要求:
处理器:主频1 GHz
显卡:DirectX 9,WDDM 1.0驱动
实际上,这款系统运行时所需的资源比上面列的要少,它需要的硬盘空间比Windows 7少,不过内存和CPU占用却和Windows 7很接近。
Windows Thin PC MAK密钥: 
2,将证书文件放到文件位置 C:\Windows\System32\spp\tokens\skus\Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Embedded 中
3,然后管理员权限运行 slmgr.vbs –rilc 即可成功激活!
Windows Thin PC 简体中文包的安装方法:
1.下载Windows Thin PC 简体中文语言包lp.cab放到D盘的根目录
2.以管理员身份运行CMD命令输入:dism /online /add-package /packagepath:D:\lp.cab
3.完成后输入:bcdedit /set {current} locale zh-cn
4.完成后再输入:bcdboot %WinDir% /l zh-cn

微软官方精简版WIN7:Windows Thin PC简体中文版

 Windows Thin PC 简介:

Windows Thin PC (WinTPC)是windows 7的微软官方精简版本,主要面向虚拟桌面基础架构(VDI)消费者,其前身是WinFLP。
Windows Thin PC让Windows变得更加云友好、更加模块化,减少了Windows的脚本和资源占用。其支持RemoteFX虚拟桌面功能(Windows 7 SP1新增功能之一)、Write Filters、BitLocker和AppLocker、FEP,WinTPC能帮助消费者将现有PC机当做瘦客户端使用,提供无差别的桌面特效体验(3D、特效和视频传送)。
尽管你在Windows Thin PC上拥有IE、Windows Media Player、记事本、远程桌面客户端、Windows协助工具、系统管理工具、磁盘碎片清理工具等,但是一些Windows增值程序被取消了,比如 Windows DVD Maker、Media Center。这样做是为了节省硬盘和内存空间,出于同一目的,Windows Thin PC默认采用的Aero效果为Aero Basic。
Windows Thin PC还大大减少了你的字体文件夹,它只包括41种字体。它只包括41种字体而Windows 7旗舰版则包含了134种。另外,Windows Thin PC禁用了虚拟内存和休眠,使用户可以节约更多磁盘空间。
Windows Thin PC 资源占用(微软官方的介绍):
处理器:主频1 GHz 
显卡:DirectX 9,WDDM 1.0驱动


文件名: GhostWinTPC.GHO
文件大小: 1426332735 字节 (1.33 GB)
修改日期: 2012-11-06 16:37
MD5: bd13fab12bd7a59d8dd89b7455197a80
SHA1: 1d37241885fec2862650575e8690079a6fd9548b
SHA256: 6faa5fd9543ef3e849ead7dafa66a5f920cfa5a9cd0fc85fc382f237458fd892
CRC32: 22dd6e3f
密码: whqc

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Version:sablog 1.6





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